The transmitter section :
the remote control section (transmitter) comprises of the RF module, HT12E encoder IC ,IN4148 fast switching diodes and 4 push button keys . whenever a key is pressed the corresponding input goes low (which is other wise high ), and is fed to the encoder IC as input.thus there are 4 inputs for the encoder IC ; with a possibility of 16 different combinations (2^4). By default the data is 1111. Pressing one button on the remote will control 1 motor in one direction on the receiver side. so, that's 2 buttons per motor : one for forward control and other one for reverse control. The remote can be operated from 5V DC to 9V DC using the batteries or any power supply unit.
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THE receiver section comprises of the RF receiver module (red module), HT12D decoder IC, L293DNE dual H-bridge motor driver and the voltage regulator IC L7850. The motor terminals are on either side of the power connector terminals. The board is capable of accepting any voltage ranging from 6V DC to 18V DC. 2 DC motors with a maximum current drain of 600mA per channel
can be connected across the motor terminals. To increase the range of the unit, external telescopic antennas are recommended. whatever voltage is is given as input, is directly available to the motors, however, only 5V is available to the IC's and receive module. The difference in voltage is dissipated out as heat by the voltage regulator IC L7805